Outreach Ministries

Sandwich Ministry

Volunteers from our parish faithfully gather every week to make sandwiches for Brazos River Food Bank. This longstanding ministry allows us to support those in need with nutritious food that they wouldn’t be able to have otherwise. We believe that God calls us to use the resources that he has given us on his behalf. So we give of our time and money so we can provide for those who hunger and are in need. 

Stephen Ministry

Our parish is home to a growing community of trained lay ministers working through the oversight of Stephen Ministries. The national group was founded in 1975 and produces training and resources known for their excellence, practicality, psychological integrity, and theological depth. Stephen ministers are trained to provide care and support for those going through difficult times including grief, illness, loneliness, and spiritual struggle. Several members in our parish have spent months in intensive training so that they can better care for those in need. They work with our clergy to coordinate care and support for those who need help, whether they are in our parish or in our broader community. It is a practical way we can make Christ known among our people and to our community.

The Shepherd’s Pantry

The Shepherd’s Food Pantry mission was initiated by members of our parish in the spring of 2018. Its purpose is to help those who are struggling financially or facing other hardships or difficult circumstances. The food pantry is located by the front of the church and is accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It is self-serve and stocked by members of the parish as well as the broader community. We focus on canned and dry food and also offer New Testaments and other devotional literature. It is based on the honor system and we trust that people will take what they need. It is a tangible expression of our love for our community, particularly those in need.